Q: How do you export STL files from your ITERO Machine?

  • Before starting to scan the patient, make sure you choose the option “icast” or “irecord”.  This is important because if you choose the “Invisalign” option, you will not be able to export these files to easyrx. 
  • Once you have scanned both arches and the bite, the information is stored in "myaligntech.com"
  • Log into "myaligntech.com".  This will take you to the orders page where your scans are.  Look up the patient and click on their ID #. This will take you to the order information page.
  • Click on "Export" (OrthoCAD 3.5 or higher).  Now a study model will pop up and a box that says “OrthoCAD Export”.
  • Export type:  Choose the “Open Shell” option.
  • Data Format: Choose “Two files" (arches oriented in occlusion).
  • Folder Name: Change this number to the last name of your patient so when you save it, you know who it is!
  • Once you hit export, a window should pop up that says “model data was exported to c:cadent/export/(patients last name).
  • Log into easyrx and go through the regular steps of submitting a case.  Once you have navigated to the prescription workspace, click the “upload” tab.  If you are using firefox or chrome you can click and drag those files directly into the upload drop zone.  If you are using Internet Explorer, click the “add files” link and navigate to the c:cadent/export/(patients last name) on your C: drive.  If sending multiple files hold the SHIFT key and click the multiple files.
  • Sometimes it can take a while for the scans to upload.

Q: How do i refine a Case?

A: To refine a Case there is a button called "Refinement" in the Case action section. It will create a "new Case" with _1 added to it. The original Set-up will stay as a comparission. Once you decided on a Set-up and you ordered the Case all the others will be removed from the Portal. We also have the option to refine a Case in the shipped stage which will work the same way.

Q: How do I order retainer?

A: If your package features Retainer it will be shipped with the initial order. If you need to reorder retainer for the Case you will have an "Order Retainer" button on the shipped case.

If your package does not feature a Retainer, you are advised to a) submit a case specifically for this retainer or b) leave a comment on the case and we will move it to "Ready to Order" stage for you to pay.

Q: Is my Case in Production?

A: There is a progress bar on the Case View. If it says in production, your case will be fabricated.

In the event of the portal trying to charge you for an Unlimited Case again, once you back out from the order page it should still show that the case is in production. As long as it says in production you can be certain that we are producing it.

If you are still uncertain you can always leave a comment on the case.

Q: What does the Archive option do to my Case?

A: You are allowed to archive your Cases in the corresponding Stages: in planning, Ready to Order and shipped stage. Once archived, the case will not be visible on the Portal anymore. If you happen to need the Case again, there will be a portal tab called "Archived" and you will be able to unarchive the Case again.

Q: What do i do if i accidentaly ordered a Case?

A: In the event of an accidental order, please let us know ASAP through the comment section on the Case. We will remove the order.